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Visualization Traning Material

1) Navigate to your home directory

2) Execute this exact command: cp -r /work/0003/train332/stampede2/public/challenge02 ./

3) Navigate into the challenge02 folder.

$ cd
$ pwd
$ cp -r /work/0003/train332/stampede2/public/challenge02 ./
$ cd challenge02

4) Somewhere within there is a file. Can you find it?

$ cd dir0/folder0/subfolder0/
$ ls                            # doing it manually would take forever
$ cd ../../../
$ ls dir0/folder0/subfolder0/   # this saves a few steps, would still take a long time
$ tree ./           # use tree to print a file hierarchy and scroll through
$ find . -type f    # what do you think this command is doing?

5) Advanced Linux users: What command can be used to generate this hierarchy of folders?

for V1 in `seq 0 9`; do for V2 in `seq 0 9`; do for V3 in `seq 0 9`; do mkdir -p dir${V1}/folder${V2}/subdir${V3}; done; done; done
