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Visualization Traning Material

Visualization on stampede2

While batch visualization can be performed on any Stampede 2 node, a set of nodes have been configured for hardware-accelerated rendering.

Launch Remote Desktop

From the viz portal

Using command line

Using OpenGL application

Running OpenGL/X applications on stampede2 visualization nodes requires that the native X server be running on each participating visualization node. Like other TACC visualization servers, on stampede2 the X servers are started automatically on each node. Once native X servers are running, several scripts are provided to enable rendering in different scenarios.

An example with paraview and paraview servers (a more concrete example will be given later):

First let us load all the modules required to run paraview:

$ module load swr python qt paraview

While the vglrun is already available by default on the systems, OpenSWR must be explicitly loaded. As said before paraview depends on the QT module and we are loading python to enable scripts inside paraview.

To launch the Paraview frontend, open a two new terminal in the X environment by typing the following command:

$ xterm & xterm &

Two new windows will pop. In one of the new terminals type:

$ swr paraview

which will star the paraview from end.

On the other terminal we are going to launch paraview processing and rendering engines by typing:

$ ibrun swr pvserver

The details of how to use paraview and how to connect to the paraview servers can be found here

Other systems

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